September 4 to October 27, 2022
Collective exhibition, no-made
The villa "Le Roc Fleuri", Cap d'Ail.
For its twenty-second year of exhibition on the site of the Villa Le Roc Fleuri in Cap d'Ail, the artists of no-made and its guest artists (local, national and international) were asked to respond to the theme SUBSTRAT.
Through this word SUBSTRATE, it is the feeling of essence, of the basis of contemporary art but also its mutations, its developments that are sought. SUBSTRATE then becomes the fundamental support of the moving plastic act, perhaps the solid base of artistic proposals?
We will exhibit the plastic, sound and performance proposals of twenty-seven artists. These proposals will define a stroll between what we will call: the apparent, the reigns of the living, death and rebirth, stratum and trace and finally under the house.
The apparent is situated in SUBSTRAT as a welcome for the visitor which from the outset questions the vanity, roots and heritage of plastic action.
The kingdoms of the living will use the mineral, the vegetable or the animal as SUBSTRATE of the work in its development. Death and rebirth traps materials, destroys them, reconstructs them. Its transformations make the plastic productions of artists kinetic in "nothing is lost, nothing is created: everything is transformed" Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier.
Strate et trace is a narration of SUBSTRAT in its chronology and its desire for memory in the form of written traces, installations, mineral, pictorial or sound fragments, witnesses of the effects of time. Sous la maison ends the journey of this exhibition in enclosed spaces outside the garden, where videos and installations dialogue and respond to each other on the reasons for SUBSTRAT.


Carrots of Emotions
Colored wax, wooden box, glass, 2017/2020
Based on Robert Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, 19 x 6 x 4.5
These colored wax core sculptures correspond to different feelings. During a chosen month, here August 2020, I observe each evening the feelings that were most present in me throughout the day. I identify the color of the corresponding feeling on Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions. Then I add a layer of wax of this color to the carrot of emotions. These carrots are delimited by a system of months, each carrot starts at the beginning and ends at the end of the same month. This piece is part of a dynamic of evolution, taking individual feelings as references. These sensations will be classified within a code that is first linguistic and then colorimetric.
This emotion carrot is created in a glass tube. It is an attempt to classify and observe emotions through a temporality. I take up the exploration drilling system, which is called coring. This type of drilling aims to take samples from the terrestrial or marine subsoil using a tube called a corer in order to analyze it and capture the information that the sediment layers can transmit to us through their composition. I am inspired by coring, in an inverse sense, since at the present moment I reference the general feelings of a day, and thus build my carrot that I will be able to later observe with hindsight.
Emotions are not matter, although they can be felt. We can say that they can be seen, but that they can never really be touched. However, they are omnipresent in our lives. Different emotions can pass through us every day, such as the emotion of serenity or the emotion of anger. I am trying here to highlight their importance in an attempt to materialize them in order to be able to offer them a new level of existence and perhaps understand them better. Let us hope that in the future they will allow us to better understand emotions in order to better understand the individual in his personal feelings and then finally better understand humans in general. Because perhaps emotions are different and follow individuals, but they are necessarily always present in each of us.