September 4 to October 27, 2022
Collective exhibition, no-made
The villa "Le Roc Fleuri", Cap d'Ail.
For its twenty-second year of exhibition on the site of the Villa Le Roc Fleuri in Cap d'Ail, the artists of no-made and its guest artists (local, national and international) were asked to respond to the theme SUBSTRAT.
Through this word SUBSTRATE, it is the feeling of essence, of the basis of contemporary art but also its mutations, its developments that are sought. SUBSTRATE then becomes the fundamental support of the moving plastic act, perhaps the solid base of artistic proposals?
We will exhibit the plastic, sound and performance proposals of twenty-seven artists. These proposals will define a stroll between what we will call: the apparent, the reigns of the living, death and rebirth, stratum and trace and finally under the house.
The apparent is situated in SUBSTRAT as a welcome for the visitor which from the outset questions the vanity, roots and heritage of plastic action.
The kingdoms of the living will use the mineral, the vegetable or the animal as SUBSTRATE of the work in its development. Death and rebirth traps materials, destroys them, reconstructs them. Its transformations make the plastic productions of artists kinetic in "nothing is lost, nothing is created: everything is transformed" Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier.
Strate et trace is a narration of SUBSTRAT in its chronology and its desire for memory in the form of written traces, installations, mineral, pictorial or sound fragments, witnesses of the effects of time. Sous la maison ends the journey of this exhibition in enclosed spaces outside the garden, where videos and installations dialogue and respond to each other on the reasons for SUBSTRAT.

Would we dare to continue walking towards the great forest?
It is about placing ourselves at the edge, at the interstice. To make a place for an end.
It is a question of reporting on the symbioses as well as the violence between the worlds seen.
It involves sitting under an umbrella at night and throwing dice.
On one of the faces a symbol appears: Orées
The story that is told to us is that of a dozen young artists who find themselves in a barn overlooking the Vésubie, the traces of the Alex storm mix with those of civilizations. Road washed away, path in the river bed, this particular stay becomes a source of creation. The PALAM collective, known for its long walks, gives way to the notion of living. The nesting that results becomes the crux of the experience. A few nights spent in the heights, in the shadow of the stellar aegis ... where are we going?
In the evening, stories are written and recomposed. During the day, mutual aid and the sharing of our tools hybridize our works, increase our mutual understanding and the porosity of our practices.
Since our ability to resist nature, to protect ourselves from it and then to dominate it was built together. It is in a pack that we can hear it, adapt to it, preserve it and disappear into it.
We were on the edge of nature, neither quite inside nor quite outside. With a careful look, with a cautious gesture, we let the fracture that separated us soften.
From the mountain to the metropolis, it is here, in this abandoned house, that it is our responsibility to render the paradoxes taken from under the leaves of a tree, in the hollow of a stream, in the ravines of a field. Ultimately, to create a scene that in turn reveals the edges to us: These doors exalting our sensibilities, offering multiple relationships with nature, which we have gone to seek far away.